OSTP recognizes excellence in Math and Science Teaching

AIP Government Relations organized a panel discussion for the winners of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Award winners and staff from OSTP and the National Science Foundation heard from AAPT, APS, OSA, and AIP about the physics societies’ efforts in teacher preparation and professional development.

Following the panel presentations, the societies engaged the K-6 teacher winners in a dialogue about the teachers’ own training and professional development. The teachers, interested in learning about the education resources available from scientific societies, also articulated that there is a significant national need for further training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) particularly for elementary and middle school teachers. 

As the National Science Foundation and Office of Science and Technology Policy continue a national dialogue with these STEM teachers, AIP and its Member Societies will continue to engage in discussions to further efforts to improve teacher training and professional development.

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AAPT, APS, OSA, and AIP address societies’ efforts in teacher preparation and development