Into the Stacks - SPS Interns' Month in Review

July 31, 2017

SPS Interns - Into the Stacks of the Niels Bohr Library & Archives



We hope you've enjoyed Lexxi and Tori giving some sneak peeks and hints at what they've been working on this summer while working at the Niels Bohr Library & Archives.





They showed off the physical exhibit they worked on for the first month they were here.

After that they've been working on some more web based material including videos highlighting some of the stories they've learned about.


On Facebook, they also highlighted 4 physicists they learned about with fun graphics. Stay tuned for 2 more this week.

We've really enjoyed having Lexxi and Tori as part of the team this summer. For more about their summers check out Lexxi and Tori's SPS blogs. In the next few days your next INTO THE STACKS host will be revealed!